Slow play is one of the biggest talking points in golf. It affects golfers during their round and it also has an impact on golf clubs across the country with participation levels dropping due to slow play. With this in mind the R&A and USGA’s ongoing rules modernisation has come up with several rule changes that will come in to play in 2019 to help the pace of play.
In a bid to speed up the pace of play on our course the Management Committee agreed to adopt the philosophy of “Ready Golf” as a local rule from the start of the 2017 season.
Ready Golf is a common sense approach to improve the pace of play during Strokeplay or a bounce game and many of us do it already. Ready Golf is a term used which indicates that players should play when they are ready (and it is safe to do so) rather than adhering strictly to the “farthest from the hole plays first” that is stipulated in the Rules of Golf. Here are some examples of Ready Golf:
The first player ready should play when it is safe to do so. No honour except during Matchplay.
Go to your ball and be ready to play. Don’t move in a group from ball to ball.
When your playing partner is playing their shot you should be making your way to your ball and be preparing to play your shot.
The first player to the tee should tee off before marking their card.
Shorter hitters play first from the tee and fairway if longer hitters have to wait for the group in front.
Play your own ball before helping others to look for a lost ball.
Play your shot to the green if another player has played through the back and has not yet reached his/her ball.
Putt out if another player is delayed raking a bunker.
Always leave your trolley/bag at the point where you will exit the green on your way to the next tee.The Committee hope that adopting this philosophy will help speed up the pace of play on the course, especially during Competition play, and will significantly enhance your playing experience. We look forward to your co-operation in this matter.