Course Details

Click on each hole below for further details.


Hole Name

Mens Yards


Stroke Index

Ladies Yards


Stroke Index

Hole: 1

Hole Name: St Ola

Mens Yards: 345

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 9

Ladies Yards: 345

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 7

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The 1st Hole ( St Ola ) is 345yds. Par 4.
The opening hole requires a straight drive from the raised tee beside the clubhouse, there is out of bounds on the left up to the green keepers sheds, play to the right side of the fairway, but beware, there is a large bunker at 170 yds from the tee.
Further on almost out of sight at 246 yds. there is an open ditch with banking either side that crosses the fairway.
The green, which was redeveloped in 2020 has swales and mounding surrounding it, and a large deep bunker on the lower side.
Tee marker sponsored by Williamsons. Butcher. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by Highland Fuels. Kirkwall.

Hole: 2

Hole Name: Walliwall

Mens Yards: 428

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 3

Ladies Yards: 415

Ladies Par: 5

Stroke Index: 5

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The 2nd Hole ( Walliwall ) is 428yds. Gents Par 4. and Ladies 415yds Par 5.
A blind shot from the tee, the fairway marker is the start of a slight dog leg to the left, aim slightly left of the fairway marker and you may catch the down hill slope.
If you are right of the marker you may catch the whins and bushes which are on the right, a large bunker is further down on the right hand edge of the rough at 265 yds
From the fairway marker you will be able to see the fairway run downhill to the green, keep slightly right with your approach as the fairway slopes left and there is a large bunker on the left corner.
Tee marker sponsored by Lows Orkney, Solicitors. Kirkwall.

Hole: 3

Hole Name: Grainbank

Mens Yards: 326

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 13

Ladies Yards: 316

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 9

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The 3rd Hole ( Grainbank ) is Gents 325yds and Ladies 316yds. Par 4.
This hole plays uphill to the skyline, there is a fairway marker at 170 yds, the marker is the start of slight dog leg to the right, at the same distance there is a bunker on the right hand side of the fairway.
At 273 yds from the tee there is a bunker in the in the centre of the fairway.
This green reconstructed during 2020 is surrounded by swales and gentle mounds and there is a bunker at the front right corner.
Keep left on you approach.
Tee marker sponsors .. Gents by Gorns, Kirkwall.. Ladies by The Ayre Hotel. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by R.S. Stanger Joiner. Dounby.

Hole: 4

Hole Name: Helliar Holm

Mens Yards: 153

Mens Par: 3

Stroke Index: 5

Ladies Yards: 153

Ladies Par: 3

Stroke Index: 15

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The 4th Hole ( Helliar Holm ) is 153yds. Par 3.
Have a seat on the bench and enjoy the view to Kirkwall and St Magnus Cathedral.
This hole plays downhill parallel to the out of bounds wall.
The green is guarded by a deep bunker on the left side and a smaller bunker at the right front, a ball going to the right may catch the banking on the green and land in the ditch beside the boundary wall.
Tee marker sponsored by Orcadia. Chartered Accountants. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by McAdie and Reeve.

Hole: 5

Hole Name: Muddisdale

Mens Yards: 302

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 15

Ladies Yards: 302

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 11

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The 5th Hole ( Muddisdale ) is 302yds. Par 4.
A blind tee shot from the tee to a sloping fairway, there is a ditch running along the out of bounds on the left. On the upper side of the fairway at 180 yds there is a bunker and a little further on the banking of the bunker on the 3rd.
The approach to the green all slopes to the left, the green also has a gentle slope, with deep bunkers guarding the front and left, the upper side of the green has a grassy banking.
Tee marker sponsored by Sutherlands Chemist. Kirkwall.

Hole: 6

Hole Name: The Burn

Mens Yards: 319

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 1

Ladies Yards: 319

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 1

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The 6th Hole ( The Burn ) is 327yds. Par 4.
The fairway is slightly downhill for approximately 180yds, where bunkers encroach at each side, from the bunkers there is a steeper downhill slope to the green at 140yds.
There is a ditch across the front of the green, it will catch the shot which is landing short, the out of bounds wall is at the rear of the green .
Tee markers sponsored by A. Flett. Builder. Holm

Hole: 7

Hole Name: The Whins

Mens Yards: 151

Mens Par: 3

Stroke Index: 7

Ladies Yards: 131

Ladies Par: 3

Stroke Index: 17

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The 7th Hole ( The Whins ) for the Gents is 151yds. and the Ladies 131yds. Par 3.
In front of both the Gents and Ladies tees is a ditch with whin bushes.
There is a wide deep bunker a few yards in front of the green, and to the left and right there are old-fashioned horseshoe mounds guarding each side of the green, all must be avoided before you tackle the sloping green.
Tee markers both Gents and Ladies sponsored by Sheila Fleet Jewellery.
Ball washers sponsored by Gents. W.R. Tullock Garage. Kirkwall Ladies. Munro's Garage. Kirkwall.

Hole: 8

Hole Name: The Bridge

Mens Yards: 270

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 17

Ladies Yards: 270

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 13

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The 8th Hole ( The Bridge ) is 270yds. Par 4.
When you cross the stone bridge to the medal tee you will see an avenue through the whins in front of the tee .
The out of bounds stretches all along the whin covered bank on the left.
On the right side of the fairway at 180 yds there is a bunker.
The two-level green has a bunker on the front right side.
Over hit the green and you will find a grassy hollow behind the green.
Tee marker sponsored by Orkney Builders Ltd. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by Orkney Aggregates Ltd. Kirkwall.

Hole: 9

Hole Name: Green Holms

Mens Yards: 529

Mens Par: 5

Stroke Index: 11

Ladies Yards: 424

Ladies Par: 5

Stroke Index: 3

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The 9th Hole ( Green Holm ) is Gents 536yds. and Ladies 424yds. Par 5.
A blind tee shot over the marker, the landing area from the tee is wide but beware an off line drive down the left rough may find a cross ditch at 180 yds, the same applies to the right side rough where the ditch in the rought is at 190 yds. this ditch is not visible from the tee.
Further down the gently sloping fairway, on the left at 100yds from the green, is a large bunker, and yet another at 50yds. from the green on the right side.
To the right of the fairway as you approach to the green there are trees, over hit the green and you may run into the hidden ditch behind the green.
Tee marker sponsors.. Gents by Pit Stop Garage. Kirkwall.. Ladies by Robertsons Agricultural Engineers. Kirkwall.

Hole: 10

Hole Name: Caldale

Mens Yards: 180

Mens Par: 3

Stroke Index: 10

Ladies Yards: 180

Ladies Par: 3

Stroke Index: 16

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The 10th Hole ( Caldale ) is 180yds. Gents Par 3. and Ladies Par 4.
From the tee beside the bushes, an internal out of bounds on the right stretches almost the full length of the hole.
The fairway has a gentle slope which will direct a short hit ball into the bunker at the front left of the green.
The green has a gentle back to front slope with a small higher level on the right side.
Tee marker sponsored by R.S. Rendall. Builders. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by Kairds, Kirkwall.

Hole: 11

Hole Name: Sunnybank

Mens Yards: 298

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 14

Ladies Yards: 258

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 8

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The 11th Hole ( Sunnybank ) is Gents 304yds. and Ladies 258yds. Par 4.
The green is not visible from the tee, so hit over the marker to find the wide fairway.
The green is flat, with a steep grassy bank on the left side, there is a sloping bunker on the right hand side of the green, an over-hit shot will run through into a large grassy hollow behind the green.
Tee marker sponsors, Gents by MLM Engineering. Agricultural Engineers. .. Ladies by Casey Construction. Builders. Kirkwall.

Hole: 12

Hole Name: Scargun

Mens Yards: 505

Mens Par: 5

Stroke Index: 4

Ladies Yards: 356

Ladies Par: 5

Stroke Index: 4

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The 12th Hole ( Scargun ) is Gents 505yds (from the raised medal tee), 480yds (from the front tee). Par 5 and the Ladies tee further forward is at 356yds. Par 5.
The out of bounds on the left runs the entire length of this hole.
The landing area is wide but a tee shot hit into the right rough may catch the ditch at 240yds, the green is level, and has steep grassy banking at the rear to catch the over-hit shot.
Tee markers both Gents and Ladies sponsored by Heat Orkney.
Ball washer sponsored by Pipedream Plumbing. Kirkwall.

Hole: 13

Hole Name: The Cassie

Mens Yards: 143

Mens Par: 3

Stroke Index: 16

Ladies Yards: 97

Ladies Par: 3

Stroke Index: 6

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The 13th Hole ( The Cassie ) is Gents 145yds. and Ladies 97yds. Par 3.
You are playing up to a raised green guarded by four bunkers, if you are in either of the two right hand ones there is no room for error as these have the out of bounds facing you on the other side of the green.
Tee marker sponsors .. Gents by Orkney PC. Kirkwall.. Ladies by Findlay's Photo Shop. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by Orkney PC. Kirkwall.

Hole: 14

Hole Name: Craigiefield

Mens Yards: 223

Mens Par: 3

Stroke Index: 2

Ladies Yards: 216

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 18

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The 14th Hole ( Craigiefield ) is a Gents 218yds. Par 3. and Ladies 208yds Par 4.
The tee is raised, and gives an excellent view of the hole, Kirkwall Bay and the Northern Isles.
There are two bunkers down the right side, one of them on the right front edge at the green, on the left side slightly back from the green there is another bunker.
Tee marker sponsors, Gents by George Bain. Paint & Wallpaper. Kirkwall. ..Ladies by Scottish Fuels. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by Alfred Flett. Builder Holm.

Hole: 15

Hole Name: Auld Kirk

Mens Yards: 287

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 18

Ladies Yards: 287

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 14

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The 15th Hole ( Auld Kirk ) is 287yds. Par 4.
This fairway runs parallel with the main road, in the interests of safety be aware pedestrians and traffic, do not hit if there is approaching traffic or passing vehicles, also be aware of people on the practice area which is to the right.
The dyke is the out of bounds and this makes the fairway tight, a lay up shot to the wider landing area is often the more prudent shot than going for the green. The green is level, but has a grassy mound on the front left and a bunker on the right front.
Tee marker sponsored by R. Clouston Ltd. Builder. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by R Clouston Ltd. Builder. Kirkwall.

Hole: 16

Hole Name: Wideford

Mens Yards: 283

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 8

Ladies Yards: 272

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 2

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The 16th Hole ( Wideford ) is gents 283yds. and Ladies 272yds. Par 4.
Hidden from the tee there is a quarry to the left, at 240 yds, there is also an open cross ditch running down from it.
At the sloping green here is a bunker on the top side front, and another on the lower side.
Tee marker sponsored by The Orcadian Bookshop. Kirkwall.
Ball washer sponsored by J.W. Gray. Wholesalers Kirkwall.

Hole: 17

Hole Name: Quarry Hole

Mens Yards: 358

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 6

Ladies Yards: 307

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 10

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The 17th Hole ( Quarry Hole ) is Gents 358yds. Par 4 and Ladies 307yds. Par 4.
The medal tee is raised, and is set back about 120 yds behind the old quarry and the growth of whins, the forward tee is on the edge of the quarry.
Both the quarry and whins have to be cleared to find the wide fairway.
The green has mounds on the left side, a meandering ditch out is sight up on the edge of the rough on the right side.
Tee marker sponsors Gents by A. Sinclair. Contractor. Kirkwall. .. Ladies by J.W. Gray. Wholesalers. Kirkwall.

Hole: 18

Hole Name: Mackeson's Corner

Mens Yards: 290

Mens Par: 4

Stroke Index: 12

Ladies Yards: 290

Ladies Par: 4

Stroke Index: 12

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The 18th Hole ( Mackeson's Corner ) is a 290yd Par 4.
This final hole has a right-angled dogleg at 200 yds, with out of bounds all along the right leading to it. The first picture is from the tee, the second from the corner bunker.
A shot of over 200 yds will pass the large corner bunker and give a straight-on approach to the banked green.
A gambler may attempt a longer tee shot and cut off the corner to land at the front of the green.
There are bunkers on either side of this green, which is placed directly below the clubhouse windows.
Tee marker sponsored by Ticketyboo. Kirkwall.


Mens Yards Out: 2823

Mens Par Out: 35

Ladies Yards Out: 2675

Ladies Par Out:36


Mens Yards In: 2567

Mens Par In: 34

Ladies Yards In: 2263

Ladies Par In: 35


Mens Yards Total: 5390

Mens Par Total: 69

Ladies Yards Total: 4938

Ladies Par Total: 71

Local rules:

Out of bounds:

Outside boundary dykes and fences, marked by white posts, including to the left of the 1st fairway, from the 1st tee to and around the course maintenance shed area, posts to the left of the 6th green, and posts running from the 8th tee along the 8th and 12th fairways.

The line of the fence behind the 13th green and the fence to the left of the 14th fairway.

The dyke on the left of the 15th fairway and the fence behind the 15th green.

The line of white posts to the right of the 10th hole up to the 18th medal tee and across  the 17th fairway to the white post.

The line of white posts to the right of the 18th hole, including the line of the ditch to the right of the 18th fairway, continuing to the marker post at the 1st tee.

The line of fence extending down the car park, to the clubhouse and anywhere behind the wall at the entry and the patio.

A free lift is given for:

A plugged ball on any closely mown area through the green, from all implement marks, and from old hole marks which interfere with the line of putt.

Daisies on greens may be repaired in the same way as pitch marks.

Recognised hazards:

Bunkers, water (except casual water) and water hazards, drains and burns, ditches at the 4th and 6th, whether dry or otherwise.

Recognised obstructions:

Flagpoles, direction posts, protection round young trees, and other obstacles as defined in the Rules of Golf.

Boundary dykes, or fences and dykes within the course, are NOT obstructions.

Loose stones in bunkers may be lifted and removed without penalty.



